Dymens.io, c’est vraiment fait pour vous ?
Laissez-nous vous donner quelques raisons en fonction de vous.
Vous adorez lire
Dymens.io offers you simply the best reading experience EVER. Period. Read, and get all the valuable information, tips and ambiance surrounding what you read. Characters story, events timeline, maps, music, images, glossary… Everything is there without even taking your nose out of your story. Just take a deep breath… and dive in.
Vous êtes un fan
You love a particular universe? Dymens.io will be an encyclopedia for you… In which your contribution will be deeply valued. Help build the world in which you would dream to live. Then just watch it come to life with the help of other writers. We’ll do our best to provide you with the best licenses in storytelling history.
Vous bâtissez des mondes
You’re a storyteller. You have thousands of ideas for creating a new epic world with outstanding characters and passionate events. Dymens.io is made for you. Don’t just write a story. Create an entire universe. Build a complete experience… Then open it to other contributors if you’d like to grow it into an entire franchise of stories.
Vous aimez écrire
You write novels, fanfictions, short stories, poetry… Anything worth sharing is worth publishing on Dymens.io. Find here the most convenient interface for online writing. Add great elements to your work with powerful tools of storytelling. We’ll provide ways to monetise your content and to earn revenues from your creation.
D’accord, mais pourquoi faut-il que je m’inscrive ?
On peut déjà trouver beaucoup de choses sur Dymens.io sans se connecter, mais…
Lisez le bouquin jusqu’au bout
Most of the stories will only display their first chapters to anonymous users. Enough to give you an overview… But if you like what you see, you will definitely need an account.
Et tout ça sans un sou ?
Yes! Well… At least right now. Our goal will be to keep an open platform. If you’re requested to pay someday, it will be to get access to more content from top editors. But the functionalities will remain free.
Impliquez-vous à chaque plongée
If you want to comment, edit, and add new contents on those worlds you get to know about, we’ll definitely need to know who you are. Creating content is locked to known users. Just connect with us!
Donc, vous comptez vivre comment ?
We have the same question for you pal! You’ll write content with us… Let’s try to find ways to all get a fair price and a fair share of revenues once readers will form a big enough community.
Laissez nos analystes vous suivre
Ouh… That sounds scary… But getting to know you a bit will help us improve our platform, and propose you tailed content and information about the universes you follow. It’s for you own good.